Beer with a product manager- Prelude

Shall I join a product school or should I get an MBA? Maybe I should just switch from engineering to marketing…or to customer success? I think the best option would be to get into a junior role first. If these or any other thoughts concerning product management are rushing through your confused mind, here I am to help you.

I can empathize with you all as I went through something similar when I got into a product management role myself. Let me be honest, it was not easy and I owe it to my prior experience and the people whom I have worked with. Each product manager has their own unique story on how they got onto this amazing roller coster ride.

When I retrospect, I think I would have been in a better position had there been a blog/portal that features interviews with real product managers- people who have been there and done that!

I hope you find this blog/portal useful to transition into product management or related roles.



Photo by Kaleidico on Unsplash

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